
Beautiful gardens are now on Youtube! We recently decided that we are going to start recording some of our work we do so you can get a better idea of what our work turns out like. We have one video uploaded at the moment and its a before and after video of a block paved

Woodhouse Community Farm

Woodhouse Farm is a 22 acre holding in the rural outskirts of Lichfield in South Staffordshire. It is currently owned by Andrew Stone who lives there with his wife, Annamarie, and their daughter Rhiannon. Andrew has in fact lived there his whole life as his parents became tenants of the farm in the 1960’s.

Gravel Driveway

In barton we have recentlty started a gravel driveway. {rokbox}images/stories/DSC_1526.jpg{/rokbox} So far we have taken six inches away from the existing driveway, we are then going to lay down four inch of hardcore with two inches of gravel on top. We are also going to be installing a 1m wide rumble strip using granite sets.

Chamber of Commerce

Recently Simon attended the Chamber of Commerce AGM at the new Drayton Manor hotel. He has been elected for another three years as part of the Divisional Council. Divisional Council members are elected to serve on the Divisional Council Board, as business representatives. The Board consists of mainly private business representatives, with the support of

Combined Ops Memorial Postponed

{rokbox}images/stories/IMG_0851.jpg{/rokbox} As you may know we recently started work on the Combined Operations Memorial at the National Memorial Aboreetum, but unfortunatly due to weathe conditions we are having to postpone it. The ground has become to damp for us to be able to access the job. We are hoping to continue the work again in


Outdoor Fitness Equipment Now Installed

The outdoor fitness equipment at Cannock Wood is now ready for use! We have installed an Air Skier, Twist Stepper and Thai Chi Spinners. Each piece of equipment comes with instructions on how to use them with health and safety instructions. We are very pleased to have worked with the Beaudersert Sports and Recreational Trust 

Cannock Wood

We have officially started the installation of the outdoor fitness equipment in Cannock wood. This is the first installation we have done and we are very pleased all the work we have put into promoting the fitness equipment is beginging to pay off.Hopefully this will encourage more people to want to have outdoor fitness equipment


In Sutton Coldfield we are currently doing two driveways and they are in fact next door neighbours! One of the driveways we are going to putting down new block pavers to replace the old ones and we are going to be doing some work around the back garden as well. The other driveway it going



Recently we have started sending Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires to customers we have done work for in the past few months. The questionnaire is simple, there are a series of questions and all we ask is for a rating on how well you feel our services were by ticking either ‘excellent’ ‘good’ ‘fair’ or ‘poor’. The